Campus Identity

College Profile

Perguruan Tinggi : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe
Kode PT : 005016
Akreditasi : Baik Sekali
Tanggal Berdiri : 05GMT00:00:000 Oktober 1987
Nomor SK PT : 35DIKTIKEP1990
Tanggal SK PT : 09GMT00:00:000 Mei 1990
Alamat : Jalan Medan-Banda Aceh Km 280 Buketrata-Kota Lhokseumawe
Kota/Kabupaten : Kec. Blang Mangat
Kode Pos : 24301
Telepon : 0645-42785
Faximile : 0645-42785
Email : [email protected]
Website :

Logo PNL

Logo Img



    Politeknik Negeri

    As the basis for the name of the higher education institution


    It is the place where higher education institutions are established

    Eleumee Beule Adab Beuna

    In Indonesian it means "Ilmu banyak Adab harus Ada" is written to symbolize the value of learning in studying at the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic, which is translated into English “Much knowledge must be accompanied by morals.” In its most literal sense, it signifies that the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic produces knowledgeable and moral students for the nation



    The five domes

    The five domes represent Pancasila which is based on Islamic values.

    The dome of the mosque

    The dome of the mosque in the logo symbolizes the greatness of Islam.

    The Rencong

    The Rencong represents the culture of Aceh.

    The Books

    The book is a symbol of knowledge.



    Chrome yellow as base color

    The chrome yellow is the primary color of the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic, and it is a symbol of pleasure and wealth.

    The gold tint on the rencong

    The gold tint on the rencong represents Aceh's power and glory.

    The white color on the ribbon

    The white color on the ribbon symbolizes honesty in its pledge.

PNL IN Graphic

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